- Looking
for some boozy Instagram accounts to follow? Check these out (and yes, Stir and Strain IS on there). - Well, here’s the proof that making a good punch is now pretty mainstream.
- Stay classy France.
- Want to taste that wine before you drop some cash on it? Now you can! In strip form!
- Dale DeGroff tells you about his favorite cocktails and has a few stories on them as well.
- The next trend in bars? Booze lockers. And Los Angeles has got ’em.
- If you’d like to know why you’re decanting that bottle of wine, read this.
- Another classic cocktail book is getting some revisions in light of this whole mixology movement. Regan talks about what’s changing.
- All we want to do is sit around drinking in our underwear and eating pizza.
- Always order more ice than you think you need (seems obvious but it’s true) and other tips for volume bartending.
Hey. I like your news format on your blog. It’s fun reading for someone in the industry. I also cover bar trends in D.C. and I wondered if you wanted to post a link to one of my DCist articles. http://dcist.com/2015/05/classic_cocktailist_on_the_rocks_ed.php#photo-6