- Speaking of Vermouth, apparently you should be drinking it all day… every day.
- Is there a movie or tv show that influenced the way you drink? Mad Men, I’d like my whiskey back in stock, thanks.
- A few quick words with Dale DeGroff and why you should always drink the local specialties.
- This is why there is a National Scotch Day this month (July 27th) and why we were “celebrating” National Piña Colada Day last week.
- It’s like getting hot boxed with booze. And some snakes.
- I wonder how this app would calculate you walking through that cloud of booze...
- Looking for some new beers to try this summer? Here’s 5 picks!
- You guys look like you need an infographic to ‘splain the differences between sparkling wines.
- Behind the scenes at Tales of the Cocktail. This all feels very familiar...
- And finally, as if you really needed another reason to go visit Trick Dog bar in SF: the dog calendar menu.
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