If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram lately you would know I have no idea what this “Dryunary” nonsense is all about. Not drink? For a month? Why not just drink better and don’t overdo it so you don’t have to end up explaining to your boss you’re two hours late for work because you passed out on the floor of a taxi and the driver forgot you were in there when he parked it in the garage overnight?
Drink better. That’s my resolution. Also, clean up my various social media presences. This weekend everything is changing to the /stirandstrain/ handle. It makes sense when that’s your brand and most people spell your name wrong anyway. So that means twitter, instagram and pinterest.
How about making your next resolution to click on all those links and follow along in the Stir & Strain universe? No pressure. You can also click on all those other web links and check out some awesome sites that may be new to you. New year, new you and stuff.